PhD in Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
MA in Media Design, Keio University
Senor Researcher, Graduate School of Media Design, KEIO University (2018- )
Associate researcher, ISC-PIF CNRS, France (2020- )
CEO, Kohaku Co., Ltd., Taiwan (2022- )
Researcher, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo (2022- )
Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Art, National Taiwan Normal University (2020-2023)
Agri-food Traceability System
Human-Computer Interaction
Sustainable Supply Chain
System Design
Interdisciplinary Project Management
+ Awards
2018, CHI Student Design Competition Winner
2019, MobileHCI Best Design Award
2022, Ubicomp/ISWC Best Demo Award
+ Publications and Journals
Lin, Kaiyuan, et al. “Shared Logistic Service for Resilient Agri-Food System: Study of E-Commerce for Local and B2B Markets in Japan.” Sustainability 14.3 (2022): 1858.
“SiteSCAN: Intuitive Exchange of Spatial Information in Mixed Reality.” Adjunct Publication of the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction. 2021.
Lin, Kaiyuan, et al. “Mobile-based traceability system for sustainable food supply networks.” Nature Food 1.11 (2020): 673-679.