Design Fiction and Speculative Design Guest Lecture by Dr. Yu-Ting Cheng

On October 25, ICID specifically invited Dr. Yu-Ting Cheng to hold a lecture on design fiction and speculative design. An expert on Human-Computer Interaction, she’s currently a postdoctoral researcher at the National Taiwan University’s IoX Center. She also holds dual PhDs in Industrial Design from TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) and TaiwanTech (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology).


In her lecture, titled “Once Upon a Future: Introduction to Design Fiction and Speculative Design”, she shared her recent research and advocated for speculative design. She presented the evolution of the field, introducing different research method perspectives to the attending students from ICID and other NCKU departments.


Dr. Cheng collaborates with various organizations and companies to hold speculative design collaborative learning, design, and topical workshops. She also runs an online platform called 推測居民 Speculatizen, sharing various co-creation thought experiments imagining future technology, scenarios, and products.