Position Announcement for Department Chair

  1. Open call for applicants of the Chair position for the Institute of Creative Industries Design (ICID) at National Cheng Kung University. Appointment from August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2025. Term of office is three years, with possibility of consecutive reelection.
  2. ICID offers MA and PhD programs, with all courses taught in Currently there is one Full Professor, five Associate Professors, and one Assistant Professor. For more information about our department, please refer to our website:
  3. Position requirements:
    • Experience as a Full Professor in a university department or college related to the fields of Creative Industries Design.
    • Experience as an Associate Professor in a university department or college related to the fields of Creative Industries Design.
    • Experience as a Professional in work related to the fields of Creative Industries Design.
  4. Candidates must receive at least two recommendations:
    • From an Associate Professor (or above) in a university department or college related to the fields of Creative Industries Design.
    • From a teaching faculty member of ICID.
    • Jointly from two alumni of ICID.
  5. Deadline for candidate recommendations: Friday, April 15, 2022 by 5:00 PM (Taipei Time).
    All recommendation documents should be delivered or postmarked to the ICID Office by the deadline. Late submissions will not be considered.
  6. Contact:

Ms. Chia-Ping HOU

Contact: 06-2757575 #54361



Institute of Creative Industries Design,
College of Planning & Design at National Cheng Kung University

No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Please download the Candidate Information Form and Recommendation Form from