
Visual Storytelling Theory and Practice via Photographs of Historical City Destinations

Author|Associate Professor Hui-Wen LIN


The Conservation of cultural heritage has gradually taken a rigid form in Taiwan. People have also come to feel distant and detached in their daily life from historic and cultural sites. Nevertheless, it is essential to adopt more sustainable and innovative strategies, when a city like Tainan has experienced over four hundred years of history, despite many city residents and visitors portraying themselves in historic places as being frozen in time. The identity of city residents is one of the crucial components for building healthy communities. This research draws attention to the diverse perceptions of the cultural images of the city of Tainan from the points of view of both residents and visitors. Conservation and marketing of Tainan cannot neglect the different cultural images held in the minds of residents and visitors’, which should influence the approaches that government and local authorities choose to pursue. This research analyses from auto-photography method of residents and visitors, accompanied by photo- interviews. The author argues that to market a city from an outsider’s perspective would be disrespectful of the core values and relationship between the city and its residents. The findings presents diverse viewpoints on the cultural images of West Central District in Tainan, including colour, vegetation, cultural heritage, natural assets and symbols. It also forecasts a brand new path towards cities branding and also the cultural value of historic city destinations.