  • PhD in Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University (2015)
  • Associate Professor, Institute of International Management (IMBA), College of Management, National Cheng Kung University (2022~)
  • Associate Professor, Cross College Elite Program, National Cheng Kung University (2022~)
  • Director, Innovative Teaching Center, NCKU College of Management (2022~)
  • Executive Secretary, Chinese Professional Management Association of Tainan (2022~)
  • Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, SSCI (2023~)
  • Editor, Journal of Business Economics and Management, SSCI (2022~)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of International Business, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (2016-2019)
  • Visiting Scholar, RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (2020)
  • Visiting Scholar, School of Economics, Finance and Marketing, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (2018)
  • Technology and Innovation Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship Education
  • Innovation Commons
  • User Innovation
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • + Journal Essays
    1. Chang, Y.-Y., Shih, H.-Y., & Lin, B.-W. (2023). Work curiosity and R&D professionals’ creative performance: Scientists vs. engineers. Technovation 124, 102739. [SSCI]
    2. Chang, Y.-Y., Chen, H.-Y., & Chau, M.-D. (2023). Is There No Place Like Home? Expatriates’ Locus of Control Personality, Self-efficacy, Cross-cultural Adjustment, and Organizational Support for Expatriate Career. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 93. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101761 [SSCI]
    3. Chang, Y.-Y., Wannamakok, W., & Lin, Y.-H. (2023). Work conformity as a double-edged sword: Disentangling intra-firm social dynamics and employees’ innovative performance in technology-intensive firms. Asia Pacific Management Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.apmrv.2023.01.003 [ESCI]
    4. Chang, Y.-Y., Kao, C.-P., Lin, K.-Y., & Osborne, M. (2023). Factors driving volunteers’ interest in science careers: self-efficacy, social support and satisfaction. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-023-04266-0 [SSCI]
    5. Chang, Y.-Y., Sanchez-Loor, D. A., Hsieh, H.-C., & Chang, W.-S. (2022). How aging affects opportunity-necessity entrepreneurship: Demographic and perceptual view. Australian Journal of Management. DOI: 10.1177/03128962221101084 [SSCI]
    6. Chang, Y.-Y., Wannamakok, W., & Schatzl, K. (2022). The Influence of Institutional Environment on the Development of Technology-Intensive Start-Ups: The Case of Austria, Journal of Enterprising Culture. DOI: 10.1142/S021849582250008X [ESCI, ABI]
    7. Chang, Y.-Y., Wannamakok, W., & Kao, C.P. Entrepreneurship Education, Academic Major, and University Students’ Social Entrepreneurial Intention: The Perspective of Planned Behavior Theory. Studies in Higher Education. [SSCI] (accepted).
    8. Chang, Y.-Y.*, Potts, J., & Shih, H.-Y. (2021). The market for meaning: A new entrepreneurial approach to creative industries dynamics. Journal of Cultural Economics 45, 491-511. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
    9. Lembana, D. A. A., Chang, Y.-Y., & Liang, W.-K. (2021). Satisfied with the Status Quo or Dare to Challenge the Future? Institutional Environment and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy of Company Employees. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 10(2), 88-107. [EconLit]
    10. Wannamakok, W., Chang, Y.-Y., & Täks, M. (2020). The Relationship between Institutional Environments and Entrepreneurial Intention in Estonia: Mediating Roles of Desirability and Feasibility. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 8(2), 111-126. [ESCI, ABI]
    11. Wannamakok, W., & Chang, Y.-Y.* (2020). Understanding nascent women entrepreneurs: an exploratory investigation into their entrepreneurial intentions. Gender in Management: An International Journal 35(6), 553-566. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
    12. Chang, Y. Y., & Chen, M. H. (2020). Creative entrepreneurs’ creativity, opportunity recognition, and career success: Is resource availability a double-edged sword?. European Management Journal, 38(5), 750-762. [SSCI]
    13. Kao, C. P., Wu, Y. T., Chang, Y. Y., Chien, H. M., & Mou, T. Y. (2020). Understanding Web-Based Professional Development in Education: The Role of Attitudes and Self-efficacy in Predicting Teachers’ Technology-Teaching Integration. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 29(5), 405-415. [SSCI]
    14. Chang, Y.-Y., Chen, H.-Y., & Shih, H.-Y. (2019), Exploring How Work Motivation Affects Creative Performance through Creative Processes: The Moderating Effects of Work Design. Journal of Technology Management 24(3): 37-76. (written in Chinese) [TSSCI]
    15. Wannamakok, W., & Chang, Y.-Y. (2019). Institutional Environments and Social Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Case of Thailand. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 9(1), 97-111. [EconLit]
    16. Chang, Y. Y.*, & Shih, H. Y. (2019). Work curiosity: A new lens for understanding employee creativity. Human Resource Management Review, 29(4), 100672. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
    17. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Pan, J.-Y. (2018). Typology of Creative Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Success. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy 12(5), 632-656. (*Corresponding author) [EconLit, ABI]
    18. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Lin, Y.-C. (2018). Exploring Creative Entrepreneurs’ Happiness: Cognitive Style, Guanxi, and Creativity. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 14, 1089-1110. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
    19. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Chang, Y.-C. (2017). The trinity of entrepreneurial team dynamics: cognition, conflicts and cohesion, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 23(6), 934-951 (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
    20. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, Wang, H.-Y., & Chen, M.-H. (2017). Understanding Creative Entrepreneurs’ Intention to Quit: The Role of Entrepreneurial Motivation, Creativity, and Opportunity. Entrepreneurship Research Journal 7(3), 1-15 (*Corresponding author) [SSCI] (Leading article)
    21. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Chiang, M.-T. (2017). Human capital and career success of creative entrepreneurs: is guanxi network a missing link?. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 29(4), 313-331. (*Corresponding author) [EconLit, ABI]
    22. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Chang, Y.-C. (2015). Exploring individual-work context fit in affecting employee creativity in technology-based companies. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 98, 1-12. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI] (Leading article)
    23. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y., & Chang, Y.-C. (2015). Entrepreneurial Orientation, Social Networks, and Creative Performance: Middle Managers as Corporate Entrepreneurs. Creativity and Innovation Management 24(3), 493-507. [SSCI]
    24. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Lo, Y.-H. (2015). Creativity cognitive style, conflict, and career success for creative entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Research 68, 906-910. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
    25. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Lee, C.-Y. (2015). Creative entrepreneurs’ guanxi networks and success: Information and resource. Journal of Business Research 68, 900-905. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
    26. Chen, M.-H., & Chang, Y.-Y. (2013). The impacts of human capital in enhancing new venture’s performance: Competence, motivation and creativity. Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China, 5(2), 146-168. [Scopus]
    27. Chen, M.-H., Pan, Y.-T., Chang, Y.-Y. & Wu, J.-D. (2012), “Cultural Creative Quarter and Urban Regeneration: The Case Studies of Tianzifang in Shanghai, China and Cultural Industries Quarter in Sheffield, United Kingdom”. Journal of Technology Management 17(1): 27-72. (written in Chinese) [TSSCI]
  • + Conference Papers
    1. Chang, Y.-Y., Someus, C., & Wannamakok, W. (2022). Exploring Amateur Innovators’ Opportunity Discovery and Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Role of Common-Pool Resources and Community Bonding. British Academy of Management Conference 2022, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, the United Kingdom. [August 31, 2022]
    2. Chang, Y.-Y., Chen, H.-Y., & Chau, M.-D. (2022). Should I Stay or Should I Go? Expatriates’ Locus of Control Personality, Self-efficacy, Cross-cultural Adjustment, and Organizational Career Support. British Academy of Management Conference 2022, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, the United Kingdom. [August 31, 2022]
    3. Takeuchi, N., Jung, Y., & Chang, Y.-Y. (2021). For Cost Savings or Happiness? Investigating the Mechanisms of the Link between Differential HR Attributions and Older Workers’ Well-being. 22nd Asia Pacific Management Conference.
    4. Ganbat, O., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Takeuchi, N. (2021). Disentangling the nexus between task conflict and employee creativity: A social-emotional perspective. 22nd Asia Pacific Management Conference.
    5. Chang, Y.-Y., Wannamakok, W., & Lin, Y.-H. (2021). Work Conformity as a Double-edged Sword: Understanding the Dualistic View of Conformity and Social Dynamics on Personnel Innovative Performance. 22nd Asia Pacific Management Conference.
    6. Lin, B.-W., Shih, H.-Y., & Chang, Y.-Y. (2021). Knowledge Diffusion from Academia to Industry. British Academy of Management Virtual Conference in The Cloud 2021. [September 2, 2021] (Best paper award)
    7. Chang, Y.-Y., Chen, H.-Y., Kao, C.-P., & Lin, K.-Y. (2021). Does Curiosity Trigger Positive Psychological Capital? Investigating the Moderating Role of Imagination. British Academy of Management Virtual Conference in The Cloud 2021. [September 2, 2021] (Best paper award)
    8. Wannamakok, W., Chang, Y.-Y., & Liang, W.-K. (2020). An explorative study on entrepreneurial intention in aging era: Perspective on cognitive approach. 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy and Global Management, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan.
    9. Bronner, A., Chang, Y.-Y., (2020). Perceived overqualification and innovative behaviour: The moderating role of work motivation and technology uncertainty. British Academy of Management Virtual Conference in The Cloud 2020. [2nd – 4th September 2020]
    10. Lembana, D. A. A., Y.Y., & Liang. W.-K. (2020). Institutional Environment, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intention of Company Employees. 3rd International Conference on Business, Management, & Economics. Budapest, Hungary. 6-8 March, 2020.
    11. Chang, Y.-Y., Pan, Y.-C., Liang, W.-K. (2019). Work Curiosity and Creative Performance: External Bridging, Internal Bonding, and the Mediating Role of Creative Process Engagement. 29th Chinese Society for Management of Technology Annual Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan: Lunghwa University.
    12. Chang, Y.-Y., Wang, S.-H., Hsu, K.-T., Tsai, P.-H., Shih, Y.-H., Tsai, S.-Y., & Chen, Y.-Y. (2019). Understanding Users’ Reliance on Mobile Payment System: Exploring the Influences of Curiosity and Perceived Playfulness from the View of Technology Acceptance Model. 29th Chinese Society for Management of Technology Annual Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan: Lunghwa University. (written in Chinese)
    13. Wannamakok, W., Chang, Y.-Y., & Liang, W.-K. (2019). The Driver of Entrepreneurship Education toward Entrepreneurial Intention: An Institutional Theory. 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy and Global Management, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan.
    14. Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Wannamakok, W. (2019). Understanding Social Entrepreneurial Intentions: Entrepreneurship Education, Academic Major, and Planned Behaviors. PICMET 2019 (Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology), Portland, Oregon, USA. [EI] (Best paper award)
    15. Chang, Y.-Y.* & Shih, H.-Y. (2019). Work Curiosity, Conformity, and Employees’ Innovation Performance: A Regulatory Focus Perspective. British Academy of Management Conference 2019, Aston University, Birmingham, the United Kingdom.
    16. Chang, Y.-Y.*, Teng, Y.-M, Chen, L.-Y., Tseng, J.-R., Chen, S.-J., Hsieh, I-H., & Wu, W.-C. (2018). The intention to use mobile payment system: Exploring the influences of perceived risks and social impact from the view of technology acceptance model. 28th Chinese Society for Management of Technology Annual Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: I-Shou University. (written in Chinese)
    17. Chang, Y.-Y.*, Chen, H.-Y., & Shih, H.-Y. (2018). Does work motivation trigger creative performance? Investigating the mediated moderation model of creative process, time pressure and innovativeness as a job requirement. 28th Chinese Society for Management of Technology Annual Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: I-Shou University. (written in Chinese)
    18. Chang, Y.-Y.*, Yeh, Y.-C., Han, Y., Liu, C.-H., Wu, C.-H., & Wu, P.-R. (2018). Exploring the effects of youtuber marketing on consumer-perceived brand identification and intention to buy: Brand image, youtuber image, and ad creativity. 28th Chinese Society for Management of Technology Annual Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: I-Shou University. (written in Chinese)
    19. Wannamakok, W., Chang, Y.-Y., & Liang, W.K. (2018). The influence of knowledge sharing in virtual community and entrepreneurial intentions. 14th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy and Global Management, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan.
    20. Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Shih, H.-Y. (2018). The pluralist perspective of work curiosity: A new lens for understanding employee creativity. 34th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium (EGOS), Tallinn, Estonia.
    21. Chang, Y.-Y.*, Potts, J., & Shih, H.-Y. (2018). The market for meaning: A new theory of cultural entrepreneurship. 20th International Conference on Cultural Economics, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
    22. Wannamakok, W., Chang, Y.-Y., & Liang, W.-K. (2018). An empirical investigation on institutional environments as a driver of social entrepreneurial Intentions. 2018 International Council for Small Business World Congress (ICSB), Taipei, Taiwan.
    23. Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Tsai, L.-H. (2018). From creativity to profitability: The impact of creative entrepreneurs’ opportunity recognition, experience and risk-taking. 2018 International Council for Small Business World Congress (ICSB), Taipei, Taiwan.
    24. Chang, Y.-Y.* & Chen, M.-H. (2017). Creativity, opportunity recognition, resource availability, and success in creative industries entrepreneurship, 40th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Belfast, the United Kingdom.
    25. Chen, -H., Chang, Y.-Y. & Chiang, M.-T. (2017). Human Capital, Guanxi Networks, and Career Success: A Creative Entrepreneur Perspective. British Academy of Management Conference 2017, Warwick Business School, the United Kingdom.
  • + Research Projects
    1. Ministry of Education, Teaching Practice Research Program No: PSR1121274, Practice-based Entrepreneurship Education, Industrial Engagement, and Students’ Prospect for Career Development: A Longitudinal Investigation. 2023-08-01 ~ 2025-07-31
    2. National Science and Technology Council, No: NSTC 112-2636-H-006-004, Makerspace and Entrepreneurship: The View of Innovation Commons (5/5). 2023/2/1 ~ 2024/1/31
    3. Ministry of Education, Teaching Practice Research Program No: PBM1110546, Understanding Practice-based Entrepreneurship Education and Students’ Entrepreneurship Intentions: Entrepreneurial Curiosity, Startup-Engaging Experience, and Work Experience. 2022-08-01 ~ 2023-07-31
    4. Ministry of Science and Technology, No: MOST 111-2636-H-006-001, Makerspace and Entrepreneurship: The View of Innovation Commons (4/5). 2022/2/1 ~ 2023/1/31
    5. Ministry of Education, Teaching Practice Research Program No: PBM1101334, Practice-based Entrepreneurship Education, Lean Startup Processes, and Team Dynamics: How Team Members’ Professional Heterogeneity and Cultural Diversity Affect Students’ Entrepreneurial Cognition. 2021-08-01 ~ 2022-07-31
    6. Japan–Taiwan Exchange Association, COVID-19が女性就業者とそのマネジメントに及ぼす影響の日台比較 (The Impacts of COVID-19 on Female Workers and Management: A Comparative Study on Japan and Taiwan). 2021/4/1 ~ 2022/3/31
    7. Ministry of Science and Technology, No: MOST 110-2811-H-006-501, Makerspace and Entrepreneurship: The View of Innovation Commons (3/5), Recruitment of Visiting Science and Technology Personnel (Professor Norihiko Takeuchi, Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University, Japan). 2021/11/01 ~ 2022/01/31
    8. Ministry of Science and Technology, No: MOST 110-2636-H-006-001, Makerspace and Entrepreneurship: The View of Innovation Commons (3/5). 2021/2/1 ~ 2022/1/31
    9. Ministry of Education, Teaching Practice Research Program No: PBM1090559, The engagement-based and interaction-oriented approach to teaching entrepreneurship and creative thinking: An exploratory investigation into the impacts of students’ professional background on entrepreneurial cognition. 2020/8/1 ~ 2021/7/31
    10. Green Energy Industry Promotion Center, Strategic Planning for Shalun Smart Green Energy Science City. 2020/5/28 ~ 2020/11/30
    11. Ministry of Science and Technology, No: MOST 109-2636-H-006-001, Makerspace and Entrepreneurship: The View of Innovation Commons (2/5). 2020/2/1 ~ 2021/1/31
    12. Ministry of Science and Technology, No: MOST 108-2636-H-006-001, Makerspace and Entrepreneurship: The View of Innovation Commons (1/5). 2019/2/1 ~ 2020/1/31
    13. Ministry of Education, No: C-06-108-0-0941, Ethics in Digital Economy: Developing innovative services and workforce in senior-oriented industries. 2019/2/1 ~ 2019/8/31.
    14. Ministry of Science and Technology, No: MOST 106-2410-H-218-017, Value Evolution Model in Creative Industries: A Preliminary Investigation. 2017/8/1 ~ 2018/11/30.
    15. Ministry of Science and Technology, No: MOST 105-2410-H-218-021-SSS, Exploring the relationship between work curiosity, conformity, contextual characteristics, and professional employees’ creative performance: Research inventory development and model examination. 2016/11~2017/10.
    16. Ministry of Science and Technology, No: MOST 102-2420-H-005-003-DR, Entrepreneurial Cognitive Style, Guanxi Networks, and Venture Success in the Creative Industries. 2013/8/1~ 2014/7/31.