- 德國福克旺藝術大學 人因與使用者體驗組 哲學博士
- 德國福克旺藝術大學 工業設計碩士
- 國立成功大學工業設計學系 工學士
- 國立成功大學創意產業設計研究所 (從聘)助理教授 (2022 - 現在 )
- 國立成功大學工業設計學系 助理教授 (2018 - 現在)
- Impr%rchester 跨域即興樂團 演出團員與設計師 (2011 – 2018)
- 福克旺藝術大學電腦音樂與電子媒體研究所 專案設計師 (2009 – 2010)
- 體驗設計
- 工業設計
- 跨域設計
- 設計研究
- 反身性方法
- 互動設計與實作
+ 期刊論文
1. Chien, W.-C., Hassenzahl, M. (2020) Technology-mediated relationship maintenance in romantic long-distance relationships: An autoethnographical research through design. Human-Computer Interaction 35(3), 240-287. DOI: 10.1080/07370024.2017.1401927
2. Chien, W.-C., Hassenzahl, M., & Mehnert, K. (2011) Musikhören und Arbeiten im Einklang. i-com. Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 10(3). Oldenbourg, Germany.
3. Lu, H.-C., Chien, W.-C. (2022) Reshaping the wearing condition of high-heeled shoes by insole design to avoid hallux valgus. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 90. DOI:10.1016/j.ergon.2022.103299
+ 研討會論文
1. Chien, W.-C., Hassenzahl, M. & Welge, J. (2016) Sharing a Robotic Pet as a Maintenance Strategy for Romantic Couples in Long-Distance Relationships.: An Autobiographical Design Exploration. Proceedings of the CHI EA’16 Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
2. Chien, W.-C., Hassenzahl, M. & Lenz, E. (2015) Fürsorge, Gemeinsamkeiten, Pläne – Technik für Fernbeziehungen gestalten. Mensch und Computer. De Gruyter Oldenbourg. Berlin, Germany
3. Chien, W.-C., Diefenbach, S., & Hassenzahl, M. (2013) The whisper pillow: A study of technology-mediated emotional expression in close relationships. Proceedings of the DPPI´13 International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces. ACM New York, NY, USA.
4. Chiu, Y.-C., Chien, W.-C. (2022) Coping with autism spectrum disorder adolescents’ emotional suppression with a “One-Bit” interactive device. In Proceedings of HCII’22 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer Verlag.
5. Chien, W.-C., Lin, C.-H. (2022) Technology in automotive brands: Function or fashion?” In Proceedings of HCII’22 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer Verlag.
6. Huang, S.-W., Chien, W.-C. (2022) Taking a romantic adventure together: Explore the design of virtual traveling for couples in long-distance relationships. In Proceedings of AHFE’22 Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Springer Verlag.
7. Kuo, J.-Y., Chien, W.-C. (2021) Modern but friendly: An exploration of crutches’ from design. International Conference for ADADA and CUMULUS.
8. Chang, Y.-C., Chien, W.-C. (2021) The blinding light: A reflection on the essence of technology-mediated illusion through techno art experience. International Conference for ADADA and CUMULUS.
7. Hsaio, R., Chien, W.-C. (2021) Am I conquering the robot? The impact of personality on the style of cooperation with an automatic system. In Proceedings of HCII’21 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer Verlag.
8. Mu, Y.-T., Chien, W.-C., Wu, F.-G. (2020) Providing peripheral trajectory information to avoid motion sickness during the in-car reading tasks. In Proceedings of IHSED’19 International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications. Springer Verlag.
+ 研究計畫
1. (科技部)以體驗設計研究解構科技機構性問題並再構科技與文化性之聯結(ii) (2022 – 現在)
2. (教育部)以Podcast為人文知識整合之翻轉教育策略 (2022 – 現在)
3. (科技部)以體驗設計研究解構科技機構性問題並再構科技與文化性之聯結(i) (2021-2022)
4. (教育部) 以自傳體研究方法建構設計之反思性實作素養 (2021-2022)
5. (科技部)人際體驗設計在社會文化脈絡下之扎根探索 (2019-2020)
+ 創作
1. 簡瑋麒、簡志賢 (2021) 長笛與歷史的對話 (為六燃2021文件展創作之影片)
2. 簡瑋麒 (2013) Robot Duet (為即興樂團設計之演奏機器人)
3. 簡瑋麒 (2010) Maschine und Schatten (為三支泰勒明琴創作之音樂作品)
4. 簡瑋麒 (2009-2010) ITE泰勒明琴 (為ICEM泰勒明琴樂團設計之樂器)