  • 密西根大學 心理學研究所 訪問學者 95/02~96/02
  • 國立台灣大學 心理學研究所 博士 81/ 09~87/ 06
  • 國立台灣大學 心理學研究所 碩士 76/ 09~78/ 06
  • 國立台灣大學 心理學系 學士 72/ 09~76/ 06
  • 設計思考
  • 決策與選擇
  • 社會創新
  • 文化與創意
  • 互動設計研究
  • 創新與創業
  • + 期刊論文
    1. Cohn-Schwartz E.,Paula Couto D., Fung F.,Graf S.,Hess T., Liou S., Nikitin J., Rothermund K. (2023, Apr). Contact with older adults is related to positive age stereotypes and self-views of aging: The older you are the more you profit. Journal of gerontology. (SSCI, impact factor: 4.942).
    2. Sibo IPH, Celis DAG, Liou S., Koh B., Leung AKY. (2023, Mar). The role of argumentation on high- and low-creative performing groups: A structuration analysis of undergraduate students’ group discussion. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 47 (Impact Factor: 3.652).
    3. Hess T., Graf S., Liou S., Paulo de Couto C., Fung H., Nikitin J., Rothermund K., Schwartz EC. (2022, Dec). Beneficial effects of contact with older adults for age stereotypes and self-views of aging. Innovation in Ageing, 126-127 (impact factor: 6.06) (SSCI).
    4. Wang L., Cheng J., Hsu I., Liou S., Kung J.,Chen D., Weng H. (2022, Mar). Distinct cerebral coherence in task-based fMRI hyperscanning: cooperation versus competition. Cerebral Cortex. (Impact Factor: 5.375).
    5. Paula Couto C., Fung, H., Graf, S., Hess, T. M., Liou, S., Nikitin, J.& Rothermund K. (2022). Predictors and consequences of endorsing prescriptive views of active aging and disengagement. Frontiers in Psychology (Impact Factor: 2.78).
    6. Rothermund, , de Paula Couto, M.C.P., Fung, H.H., Graf, S., Hess, T. M., Liou, S., Nikitin, J. (2020, Aug). Age-related attributions of experienced changes in life: Origins and implications. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences,1-13. (Impact Factor: 3.502). (SSCI).
    7. Liou S. (2019, Dec). Besides active aging? a tranquil life after retirement. . Innovation in Aging , 750 (impact factor: 6.06) (SSCI).
    8. Liou S. & Yang CH. (2021 June). Creativity in design thinking: Inspiring sense-making and thing-making. Chinese Journal of Psychology. 劉世南,楊佳翰(2021年06月)。設計思考中的創意:釋義與造物的啟發。中華心理學刊,63(2),121-142 (TSSCI)。
    9. Rothermund, K., de Paula Couto, M.C.P., Fung, H.H., Graf, S., Hess, T. M., Liou, S., Nikitin, J. (2021, Apr). Age-related attributions of experienced changes in life: Origins and implications. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 76(5):881-893 (Impact Factor: 4.077). (SSCI).
    10. Leung, A. K. Y., Liou, S., & Tsai, M. (2020, Mar). Mood—Creativity Relationship in Groups: The Role of Equality in Idea Contribution in Temporal Mood Effects. Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(1), 165-183 (Impact Factor:2.661). (SSCI).
    11. Keller J., Wong S., & Liou S. (2020, Mar). How social networks facilitate collective responses to organizational paradoxes. Human Relations, 73(3), 401–428. (Impact Factor: 5.732). (SSCI).
    12. Chen Y., Liou S. & Chen L. (2019, Mar). The Relationships among Gender, Cognitive Styles, Learning Strategies, and Learning Performance in the Flipped Classroom. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 35(4-5), 395-403, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2018.1543082. (Impact Factor: 1.354) (SSCI).
    13. Chen Y. & Liou S. (2019, Feb). Flipping the procedural knowledge learning – a case study of software learning. Interactive Learning Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1579231 (Impact Factor: 1.938) (SSCI).
    14. Leung, A. K. Y., Liou, S. Tsai, M. (2018, Jun). Mood—Creativity Relationship in Groups: The Role of Equality in Idea Contribution in Temporal Mood Effects. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 1-19. (Impact Factor: 2.661) (SSCI).
    15. Leung, A. K. Y., Liou, S., Miron-Spektor, E., & Chan, D. (2018, Mar). Middle Ground Approach to Paradox: Within- and Between- Culture Examination of the Creative Benefits of Paradoxical Frames. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual Differences, 114(3), 443-464. (Impact Factor: 6.335). (SSCI).
    16. Kwan L., Leung A., & Liou S. (2018, Feb). Culture, Creativity, and Innovation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(2), 165–170. (Impact Factor: 2.012) (SSCI).
    17. Liou, S., Lan, X. (2018, Feb). Situational salience of norms moderates cultural differences in the originality and usefulness of creative ideas generated or selected by teams. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(2), 290-302. (Impact Factor: 2.012). (SSCI).
    18. Liou, S., Kwan, Y-Y., & Chiu, C-y. (2016, Jan). Historical and cultural obstacles to frame-breaking innovations in China. Management and Organization Review, 12(1), 35-39. (Impact Factor: 2.339). (SSCI).
    19. Leung, A. K. Y., Liou, S., Qiu, L., Kwan, L. Y. Y., Chiu, C. Y., & Yong, J. C (2014). The role of instrumental emotion regulation in the emotions–creativity link: How worries render individuals with high neuroticism more creative. Emotion, 14(5), 846-856. (Impact Factor: 3.177). (SSCI).
    20. Chiu, C. Y., Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Liou, S. (2013). Culturally motivated challenges to innovations in integrative research: theory and solutions. Social Issues and Policy Review, 7(1), 149-172. (Impact Factor: 8.938). (SSCI).
  • + 專書/專刊

    1. Leung, A. K. Y., Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Liou, S. (Ed.) (in press). Handbook of Culture and Creativity: Basic Processes and Applied Innovation. Frontiers of Culture and Psychology Series. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.

    2. Kwan, L. Y. Y., Leung, A. K. Y., & Liou, S. (Ed.) (in press). Special issue of Culture, Creativity, and Innovation. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology. (SSCI).

    3. Wang, J. F., Wu, C. H., Hsieh, S., Liou, S., & Chen, B. W. (Ed.) (2014). Detection, Measurement, and Enhancement of Happiness. Special issue of The Scientific World Journal. (SCI).

    4. 劉世南、楊佳翰(出版中)。跨域共創世代:創意創新創業。財團法人成大出版社。

    5. 劉世南(201212月)。不確定下的判斷與決策行為認知心理學與幸福經濟學的取向。復文出版。

    6. 劉世南(201111月)。創意創新創業 – 智慧工程的理論與實踐。(本書榮獲教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫補助)。麗文出版。

  • + 專書/專刊 專章

    1.Leung, A., Kwan, L. & Liou, S. (2018). Introduction: Frontier research on culture and creativity: An overview. In Leung, A. K. -Y., Kwan, L. Y. -Y. & Liou, S. (Ed.) Handbook of culture and creativity: Basic processes and applied innovations (pp. ix-xi). New York USA: Oxford University Press.

    2.Liou S. & Yang C. (2018). Innovation in cultural and creative industries development. In Leung, A. K. –Y., Kwan, L. Y. -Y. & Liou, S. (Ed.) Handbook of Culture and Creativity: Creativity: Basic Processes and Applied Innovations (pp.261-292). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    3.Chiu, C.-y., Liou, S & Kwan, L. Y. Y. (2016) Institutional and cultural contexts of creativity and innovation in China. In Lewin, A. Y., Kenney, M. & Murmann, J. P. (Ed.) China’s Innovation Challenge: Overcoming the middle income trap (pp. 368-393). UK: Cambridge University Press.

    4.Wang J.,Wu C.,Hsieh S.,Liou S.,& Chen B. (2014). Detection, Measurement, and Enhancement of Happiness. The Scientific World Journal. (SCI).

    5.Li, C., Kwan, L. Y. -Y., Liou, S., Chiu, C. Y. (2013). Culture, group processes, and creativity. In Yuki, M. & Brewer, M. (Ed.) Culture and Group Processes (pp. 143-165). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    6.Chiu, C. Y, Kwan, L. Y. -Y., Liou, S. (2013). Professional and disciplinary cultures. In Cohen, A. B. (Ed.) Culture Reexamined: Broadening our understanding of social and evolutionary influences (pp. 11-30). Washington: American Psychological Association.

    7.Wen C. T., ..,Liou, S. et al. (2010). Using Design to create the value in entrepreneurship. Journal of Entrepreneurship Research. 5-2, 49-82.( in Chinese).


    9.劉世南(2007) ,「組織行為的西方定義與新典範」,收錄於鄭伯壎、姜定宇、鄭弘岳主編,組織行為研究在台灣:回顧與展望(二版),第十五章,490-539頁,華泰文化事業公司。

    10.劉世南編譯(2007),思維的疆域,聯經出版社,(原著: Richard E. Nisbett (2003). The Geography of thought. NY: Free Press )(國科會評為經典著作 )

    11.劉世南,鄭中平(2006)。「決策不確定之因應策略類型與選擇」,中華心理學刊,第 48 期,第 3 季, 1-16 頁。(TSSCI) *

    12.劉世南(2006)。「文化心理學的足跡」,應用心理研究,第 32 期, 11-17 頁。

    13.Lo, T. H., Liou, S. N., and Yuan, B. (2005). Organization innovation and entrepreneurship: The role of the national laboratories in promoting industrial development. International Journal of Technology Management, 30, 67-84 (SSCI).*

    14.Lo, T. H., & Liou, S. N. (2005). Organizational innovation of research institute. In C. Shih (Eds.), Industrial Technology and ITRI -Visible Brain, 51-101.(ISBN 957-774-628-4)

    15.劉世南編譯(2004)。選擇的弔詭,天下文化出版社。(原著:Schwartz, B. (2004). The Paradox of Choice. NY: Harper Collins Publishers Inc.)








    23.羅達賢、劉世南(2003)。「研究機構之組織創新」,收錄於史欽泰主編,產業科技與工研院看的見的腦,第2章,33-66頁。(ISBN 957-774-508-3)

    24.Liou, S. H., & Hsu, Y. G. (2002). The role of managerial cognition and identity in organizational strategic change. In Pareek, U., Osman-Gani, A., Ramnarayan, S., & Rao, V. (Eds.) Human Resource Development in Asia: Trends and Challenges, 417-424. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.(ISBN 81-204-1570-1)


    26.Liou, S. N., & Hsu, Y. G. (2002). Explaining how employees respond to organizational change: test a stress-based model using focus group technique. Journal of Labor Studies, 11, 123-141.


    28.羅達賢、劉世南、袁建中 (2002)。「從科技人到創業家:由台灣積體電路技術引進團隊的發展為分析」,管理與系統期刊,第9卷,第1期,1-10頁。 ( TSSCI )



  • + 學術會議論文


    1. Keller J., Wong S., & Liou S. (2019, Apr). How Social Networks Facilitate the Emergence of Cultures of Innovation: Symposium of In Pursuit of Innovative Cultures and Climates: A Multi-Method and Multi-Level View. SIOP’s 34th Annual Conference ( Society of Industrial & Organization Psychology),
    Washington, DC..

    2. Liou S. (2018, Oct). A theory of inspiration: the model of enhancing transdisciplinary collaboration between technology and humanity. Invited speaker of 2018 International Conference of Orange Technology, Indonesia, Bali.

    3. Liou S. (2017, Nov). Design Thinking for Social Innovation: A framework to advance technology for humanity. invited speaker of 2017 International Conference of Orange Technology, Singapore. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.

    4. Liou, S (2016, Aug). Situational Salience of Norms Moderates Cultural Differences in the Originality and Usefulness of Creative Ideas Generated or Selected by Teams. The 23rd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP2016), Nagoya, Japan.

    5. Liou, S. (2016). Innovation Mechanism in Developing Cultural and Creative Industries. Paper will present at ICAP 2016: International Conference on Applied Psychology, Tokyo, Japan.

    6. Liou S. & Lan X. (2016). Cultural differences in group creativity process: A norm account. Paper will present at The 23rd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP2016), Nagoya, Japan.

    7. Liou, S. (2015). Cyber I, and Cyber We: How the Internet Creates New Self-identity and Social Life. Invited talk at The 2015 International Conference on Orange Technology. HK.

    8. Liou, S. (2015). Challenges and trends of developing cultural and creative industries. Keynote speech at The 2016 International Conference of Culture and Creativity. Tainan, Taiwan.

    9. Liou, S. (2015). Explaining Employees’ Responses to Organizational Change: a culturally moderated dual-route model. Paper presented at 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy.

    10. Leung, A. K.-y., Liou, S., Miron-Spektor, E., Chan, D., Eisenberg, R., & Schneider, I. (2014, August). Unpacking the creative benefits of paradoxical frames: Between-person and between-culture analyses. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA

    11. Liou, S. (2014). Enhancing performance of integrative research projects: The case of National Science Council and Industrial Technology Institute in Taiwan. Management Organization Review 2014: Inaugural Research Frontiers Conference – Globalization of Knowledge Creation and Innovation in the Context of Emerging Economies, HK.

    12. Liou, S. (2014). On Google effect and Facebook effect: How the Internet reshapes our mind and wellbeing. Invited speech at ICOT IEEE International Conference on Orange Technologies, Xi’an, China.

    13. Liou, S. (2013). The contribution of culture and creativity research to cultural industries (Theme of 2013 ICCC). Special talk at 2013 International Conference of Culture and Creativity, Tainan, ROC.

    14. Liou, S. (2013). How (CI) creativity help continue the culture and what the cultural difference in creativity process. . Panel Chair at 2013 International Conference of Culture and Creativity, Tainan, ROC.

    15. Keller, J., Wong, S. S., & Liou, S. (2013). Crossing boundaries of science and commerce logics through network heterogeneity. Paper presented at the 2013 European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Montreal, Canada.

    16. Liou, S., Hong, Y. Y., Xuan-Yi, W. (2013). The Role of Confucian Relationalism on Employees’ Responses to Organizational Change in Taiwan. Paper invited to present at AMJ Special Research Forum Workshop, SYSBY, and Guangzhou, China.

    17. Keller, J., Wong, S. S., & Liou, S. (2013). Crossing the boundaries of scientific and commercial logics: Network diversity and categorization congruence. Paper presented at The 2013 Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Florida, USA.

    18. Leung, A. K. Y., Liou, S., Qiu, L., Kwan, L. Y. Y., Chiu, C. Y, & J. Yong. (2013). The Role of Instrumental Emotion Regulation in the Emotions-Creativity Link: How Worries Render Neurotic Individuals More Creative. Paper presented at 2013 ACM Creativity & Cognition, Sydney, Australia.

    19. Prilleltensky, I., & Liou, S. (2013). Wellness in Your Hands: The Development of Games for the Promotion of Well-Being. Chair of the Keynote speech of Issac Prilleltensky. At The 2013 International Conference on Orange Technologies (ICOT 2013), sponsored by IEEE Tainan Section, Tainan, ROC.

    20. Leslie Tsai, Miscelle Lee, & Liou, S. (2013). Toward a Gross Community Happiness Establishing Taiwan Happiness Index Applicability of Gross National Happiness Index to Taiwan a religious perspective. Paper presented at 2013 International Conference on Orange Technology, Tainan, ROC.

    21. Michelle Lee, Liou, S., Leslie Tsai. (2013). Where You Pursuit Better Life Constructing Taiwan Happiness Index with Cross-cultural Comparison on Happiness. Paper presented at 2013 International Conference on Orange Technology, Tainan, ROC.

    22. Liou, S., & Meiying Wang. (2013). Assessing and Measuring Impact of Technologies on Happiness of Diverse Communities. Section chair at The 2013 International Conference on Orange Technologies (ICOT 2013) sponsored by IEEE Tainan Section, Taiwan, Tainan, ROC.

    23. Liou, S., Mischell Lee, & Leslie Tsai. (2013). Toward a Technology for Humanity A More Comprehensive Technological Mission. 2013 International Conference on Orange Technology, Tainan, ROC.

    24. Liou S. N. (2012). Cultural difference in the effect of paradoxical framing on creativity. Paper presented at 2012 International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa.

    25. Liou, S. (2012). Creativity and Social Ties: Effects of Agreeableness, Networks and Interpersonal Relationships. Section chair of 2012 Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, San Antonio, USA.

    26. Liou S. N. (2011). Creativity and Social Ties: Effects of Agreeableness, Networks and Interpersonal Relationships. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, San Antonio, USA.chair

    27.Liou S. N. (2011). The multiple facets of culture influences on creativity. Paper presented at The 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. China. (oral)

    28. Liou S. N. (2011). Managing National/Functional Cultural Diversity in Creativity and Innovation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Academy of Management. San Antonio, USA.oral

    29. Liou S. N. (2011). West-East trust development. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Academy of Management. San Antonio, USA.panel discussion

    30. Liao I. & Liou, S. N. (2011). Location-based service in library book searching system. Paper presented in2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration. Tokyo. (oral)

    31.Liou, S. N., & Fun, J. Y. (2010). When latent inhibition influences creative performance? The moderating effect of epistemic motives on cognitive style. Paper will be presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Australia . (oral)

    32.Liou, S. N.(2010).When latent inhibition influences change blindness? The moderating effect of epistemic motives on perceptual style. Paper will be presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Australia . (oral)

    33.Liou S. N., Yang, S. C., & Yan, Z. Y. (2010). Changed what and by whom? Test a mediation model of how employees appraise organizational change. Paper will be presented at the Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Canada. (oral)

    34.Liou, S., Jeng T., Wang S., & Ma, Y. (2009). Useful or usable? Evaluation effect during creative design process. Paper will be presented at The 11th European Congress of Psychology, Norway.

    35.Liou, S. (2009). The role of conflict in group creativity: a cultural comparison. Paper will be presented at 14th European Congress of work and organizational psychology, Spain.

    36.Wang S., Ma, Y., Jeng, T. & Liou, S. (2009). Methodology for ideation of interaction design. Paper will be presented at CAADRIA 2009.

    37.Yang, C., & Liou, S. (2009). Learning from Alien: Examining the 4I Framework in Cross-Disciplined Alliance. Paper will be presented at The 11th European Congress of Psychology, Norway.

    38.Yang, C., & Liou, S. (2009). Online Communication effect in Organization Learning: Examining the 4I Framework. Paper will be presented at The 11th European Congress of Psychology, Norway.

    39. Liou, S., Ou S. Y. (2008). The expatriates overseas adaptability and cross-cultural ability: the cultural difference of East and Westerners. Paper presented at the 2008 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development (ICOWED 2008), NTNU, Taipei.

    40. Liou, S. (2008). Evaluation apprehension effect in group creativity: A cultural comparison. Paper presented at 29th International Congress of Psychology ICP2008, Berlin. (NSC94-2413-H-194-014 )

    41.Liou, S. N. (2008). Effect of epistemic motives on group creativity under different cultures. Paper presented at 29th International Congress of Psychology ICP2008, Berlin. (NSC94-2413-H-194-014 )

    42.Liou, S. N. (2007) Cultural difference in group creativity-Effects of evaluation apprehension. Paper presented at Seventh Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Malaysia. ( oral, chair )

    43.Liou, S. N., Nisbett, R., Lan, X. (2006). Cultural difference in group creativity under evaluation. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Houston. ( poster )( NSC94-2413-H-194-012 )

    44.Liou, S. N. (2005). Affective account of shape of decision weight function. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Canada. ( poster )( NSC94-2413-H194-006 )

    45.Liou, S. N.(2004). Organizational innovation of national research institute. Paper present at Portland International Conference for Management of Engineering and Technology, Korea.(oral)( NSC 89-2413-H194-054)

    46.Liou, S. N.(2004). Choice of cognitive strategies for coping with decisional uncertainty. Paper present at 28th International Congress of Psychology ICP2004, Beijing, China.(oral)

    47.Liou, S. N. (2004). The culture value bases of entrepreneur decision makinga perspective of the cross-culture cognitive model. Paper presented at The Third Biennial International Conference on Intercultural Research, Taipei.(oral)

    48.Liou, S. N.(2003). Adaptive response model of organizational behavior during organization change.Paper presented at The VII European Congress of Psychology, Vienna.( NSC 91-2413-H-194-020 )(poster)

    49.Liou, S. N.,& Hsu, Y. G.(2002). The role of managerial cognition and identity in organizational strategic change. Paper presented at First Asian Regional Conference on Human Resource Development, Indian. (教育部補助)(oral)

    50.Liou, S. N., & Cheng, C. P. (2002a). Modeling and application of decision making under ambiguity. In the Proceedings of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 1053-1054.(oral)

    51.Liou, S. N., & Cheng, C. P.(2002b). On the form of decision weight function. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Kansas City.

    52. Liou, S. N., & Kao, Y. C.(2002).Psychological interpretation of decision weight function. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Kansas City.(oral)

    53.Liou, S. N., & Hsu, Y. G. (2002). Predictors and consequences of managerial coping with organizational change. Paper presented at the XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore. (NSC 91-2416-H-194-023)(poster)

    54.Kao, Y. C., & Liou, S. N. (2002). The cognitive infrastructure of venture creation decision. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Kansas City.(poster)

    55.Liou, S. N., & Hsu, Y. G. (2001). Individual difference in coping with uncertainty. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Florida, USA.(poster)

    56.Liou, S. N., & Hsu, Y. G. (2001). How employees respond to organizational change-a longitudinal study. Paper presented at VIIth European Congress of Psychology, United Kingdom, London.(poster)

    57.Liou, S. N.(2000). How employees respond to organizational change: a new explanation drawing on old theories and techniques. In the Proceedings of 2000 International Conference of Comparative Management. S. 1.2.1 – Business in Transit, 7-16. National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung.(oral)

    58.Liou, S. N., Huang, J. T. (2000). Streamlining of ambiguity effect in decisional process. International Journal of Psychology. V35, 3/4, 268. (Abstracts of XXVII International Congress of Psychology).( NSC 89-2413-H194-054)(poster)




    3.劉世南、Nisbett, R.、周瑾珊、林幸儀、莊明荃(2008)。「團體文化及社會動機對於團體創意表現的影響」。發表於第四十七屆台灣心理學年會,台灣師範大學,台北。




    7.劉世南 、張超群、董麗蓉 (2005) 。「 創新前瞻技術發展初期效益評估:一項科技專案研發計畫之實證研究 」 。 發表於 2005 工研院創新與科技管理研討會 ,工研院,新竹 。




    11.劉世南(2004)Some construct issues in behavior research. 發表於國科會人文處管理一學門組織與人力資源管理領域研究社群與學術生涯管理研討會,台灣科技大學,台北。

























  • + 進行中論文

    1.Liou S., Hong, Y., Wen, X. (Under 2nd review). Changed what or by whom? Explaining how employees’ responses toward organizational change in Taiwan. Academy of Management Journal (SSCI, IF: 7.571, ranked 2/168 Journal of Management) 

    2.Keller J., Wong S., Liou S. (Under review). Crossing the boundaries of scientific and commercial logics: Network diversity and categorization congruence. Organizational Science. (SSCI, IF: 2.790) 
